Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

report text

Report Text

1. Report Text
What is Report?
1. Definition of Report
Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis
2. Generic Structure of Report
1. General classification: Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general
2. Description: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part , customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials
3. Language Feature of Report
• Introducing group or general aspect
• Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc
• Using simple present tense
4. Examples and structures of the text

General Clasification The white pelican is one of the most successful fish-eating birds.
Description The success is largely due to its command hunting behaviour. A group, perhaps two dozen birds, will gather in a curved arc some distance offshore. The birds then begin to move forward towards the shore, beating the water furiously with their wings, driving the fish before them.
When the water is shallow enough for the birds to reach the fish, the formation breaks up as each bird dips its bill into the water to scoop up its meal. As the bird lifts its head, the water drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed.
Pelicans are among the oldest group of birds, Fossils of this genus have been found dating back 40 million years.

Example of Report Text
A. Platypus; a report text
Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill. Platypus is a native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.
Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick, and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus' eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light.
Platypus lives in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually dig burrows in the streams or river banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to protect it from intruders and flooding. In the other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay.

Analyzing on the Text
Generic Structure analysis
General classification; stating general classification, the animal of platypus.
Description; describing in detail characterization of platypus' body and habitual life
Language Feature Analysis
Focusing in group; the animal of platypus
conditional, logical connective; but, in the other hand
Simple present tense pattern; Platypus lives in streams, male platypus does not need any burrow, etc

Small Notes
Ciri Umum:
(a) Tujuan Komunikatif Teks:
Menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gajala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala-gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan umum, misalnya, ikan paus termasuk binatang mamalia karena ikan tersebut melahirkan anaknya.
(b) Struktur Teks/Generic structure
 General Clasification; Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.
 Description:tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors; Gambaran dari fenomena yang akan didiskusikan seperti bagian – bagiannya, kebiasaan atau tingkah laku jika benda hidup, kegunaannya jika non natural.
(c) Ciri Kebahasaan:
• general nouns, seperti ‘Reptiles in Comodo Insland’, dsb.
• relating verbs untuk menjelaskan ciri, misalnya reptiles are scaly animals (ciri ini berlaku untuk semua reptilia), dsb.
• action verbs dalam mejelaskan perilaku, misalnya lizards cannot fly, dsb.
• present tense untuk menyatakan suatu yang umum, misalnya Komodo dragons usually weight more than 160 kg, dsb.
• istilah teknis, misalnya water contains oxygen and hydrogen, dsb.
• paragraf dengan topik sentence untuk menyusun sejumlah informasi.

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Seni Lukis Zaman Primitif

Mempunyai ciri-ciri: kolektivitas dan religiusitas, bersifat populis, figur seniman sebagai individu nyaris tidak mendapat tekanan. Seni primitif menvisualisasikan pola hubungan konkrit dalam masyarakat.Seni merupakan ungkapan hierofani serentak, juga visualisasi dari yang sakral. Seni dan ritual religius menjadi identik,sifat seni primitif:

- Ritualistik menyebabkan banyaknya penggunaan pola-pola

Senin, 18 Juli 2011

The White Cat

ONCE upon a time there was a king who had three sons, who were all so clever and brave that he began to be afraid that they would want to reign over the kingdom before he was dead. Now the King, though he felt that he was growing old, did not at all wish to give up the government of his kingdom while he could still manage it very well, so he thought the best way to live in peace would be to divert the minds of his sons by promises which he could always get out of when the time came for keeping them.

Relation ship between amplitude,frequency, and vibration

*    Objectives                : find relation ship between amplitude,frequency and vibration.
*    Pevice and materials:  statif, tread ,lood, topwatch, and ruler.
*    Working procedures        :
1. Arrangement device like the picture. Length of thread 25 cm load in constant A (equilibrium point) .
2. Put the thread to B point(amplitude) swing the load to 10 times and write the time.
3.  Repeat again number 1 and 2 with amplitude , 8 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, write the time.

point of undestanding

Answer :
1.       Because his father had pas away , leaving john his money
2.       Because he get all money his father
a)       john harmon and George radfoot a sailor
b)      George would help john disguise himself

1.       Rogue rierhood
2.       The body of a drowed man

1.       By collecting and selling the dust
2.       Because he had quarrel with his father
3.       Must married with bella
4.       To his father house
5.       By taking drowned bodies out of the river
a)      The body of the drowedman
b)      Mr. Julius handford
7.       Lizzie hexam
8.       To go to a better school so that he could make a success of his life.

badan pemeriksa keuangan

Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (disingkat BPK) adalah lembaga tinggi negara dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia yang memiliki wewenang memeriksa pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab keuangan negara. Menurut UUD 1945, BPK merupakan lembaga yang bebas dan mandiri.
Anggota BPK dipilih oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, dan diresmikan oleh Presiden.
Hasil pemeriksaan keuangan negara diserahkan kepada DPR, DPD, dan DPRD (sesuai dengan kewenangannya).


Bee movie

            One upon a time, there was a little bee named Barry. After he graduated from his school, he looked for a job appropriately. he visited Honex Industry. He learned how to make honey there. He meet Beeman, he was invited by beeman to go outside nest. He was anoced “he didn’t allow to talk with people”.

Musik Tradisional Indonesia

Musik tradisional adalah musik yang hidup di masyarakat secara turun temurun,
dipertahankan sebagai sarana hiburan. Tiga komponen yang saling mempengaruhi di antaranya Seniman, musik itu sendiri dan masyarakat penikmatnya. Sedangkan maksudnya untuk memper-satukan persepsi antara pemikiran seniman dan masyarakat tentang usaha bersama dalam mengembangkan dan melestarikan seni musik tradisional. Menjadikan musik trasidional sebagai perbendaharaan seni di masyarakat sehingga musik tradisional lebih menyentuh pada sektor komersial umum.