One upon a time, there was a little bee named Barry. After he graduated from his school, he looked for a job appropriately. he visited Honex Industry. He learned how to make honey there. He meet Beeman, he was invited by beeman to go outside nest. He was anoced “he didn’t allow to talk with people”.
One day, he followed beeman to go outside nest. He saw beemens work. Suddenly there was heavy rain, he avoided it. He visited to apartment. He met a man how to kill him. But, he was saved by women. After that, he did not obey the rule of bee because he wanted to say thank you to woman beside that he loved her. Named Vanessa was surprised when Barry told to her. Vanessa and Barry were being soul mate.
When they went sightseeing, he show honey can in the supermarket. He was angry because honey was something important for bee. Barry managed to collect data about honey stealing. He brought this case in the court. He was successful to was Mr. Mount govery as the darner of honey production.
All honey productions were given to bee. Because to it, Honex worker stopped working. It caused the flower and plant faded. Vanessa blamed Barry about it. Barry was aware them did the mistake. Barry manages to overcome his mistake. Vanessa helped barry to sorf it they went to Passadena which had the last of flowers. They took the flowers then they saved them at plane. There was trouble in plane because the pilot unconsciousness and the weather was bad. Vanessa and barry were panic but bee saved them. Finally the flowers became beautiful again, and then Vanessa and Barry lived happily because Vanessa could open flower shop again and Barry was be beeman and insect at law.
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